Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hot summer brings high cooling costs

Other than new windows and doors for efficiency, you can try the following to save energy.

1.Raise your thermostat in the summer. This is the number one way to conserve energy.

2.When you are away from home for more than eight hours, raise the thermostat setting and you can expect to see a 1% savings for each degree of setback.

3.Visiting the U.S. Department of Energy website.

4.Keep shades closed when the air conditioner is on.

5.Check and clean filters. Cleaning and replacing air conditioning filters monthly allows the system to run more efficiently.

6.Install ceiling fans. Don't underestimate the importance of ceiling fans. The use of ceiling fans can mean savings of around 25% on cooling costs and can make the temperature seem 10 degrees cooler.

7.Run appliances with large energy use late in the evening. Use the dishwasher and clothes washer late in the evening.

8.Use cold water to wash dishes and clothes. This will save on water heating costs.

9.Unplug equipment not in use. Electric chargers, televisions and audio/video equipment use electricity and produce heat even when they are not in use. Running an older refrigerator can use up to three times the energy of a modern one. Unplug any appliance when it's not in use.

10.Turn off lights. Turn lights off when exiting a room. Consider replacing incandescent bulbs with energy efficient compact florescent lights (CFLs). And remember to recycle CFLs whenever possible.

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